Building Documentations ======================= Documentations are based on `Sphinx `_. Here we explain steps to build documentations from source, that is, to generate the documentation web pages. There are two packages: `pomdp_py` and `pomdp_py.problems`. Their documentations are built separately. Building docs for `pomdp_py` ---------------------------- 1. Go to the sphinx source directory:: cd pomdp-py/docs/_sphinx_src 2. Building docs for `pomdp_py`. Run :code:`sphinx-apidoc`:: sphinx-apidoc -o api/ ../../pomdp_py This generates `.rst` files for different modules in the `pomdp_py` package. The first argument :code:`api` specifies the output directory for these `.rst` files to be :code:`api`. The second argument :code:`../../pomdp_py` specifies the path to the `pomdp_py` package (Note that this should be the package's root path that contains :code:``). | Refer to `sphinx-apidoc `_ for more information. 3. Generate web pages:: make html This outputs to :code:`pomdp-py/docs/html` Building docs for `pomdp_py.problems` ---------------------------------- 1. Go to the sphinx source directory:: cd pomdp-py/docs/_sphinx_src 2. Building docs for `pomdp_py`. Run :code:`sphinx-apidoc`:: sphinx-apidoc -o problems/ ../../pomdp_py/problems 3. Generate web pages:: make html This outputs to :code:`pomdp-py/docs/html` Note that when creating the documentation for a problem under :code:`pomdp_py.problems`, you may want to re-use the README file on github for the documentation. To do that, first create a read-me file at :code:`pomdp_py/problems//README.rst` with desirable content that describes the problem. Then, include this read-me file at the top of the generated :code:`pomdp_py.problems..rst`, like so: .. code-block:: .. include:: ../../../pomdp_py/problems//README.rst Note on Changelog ----------------- :doc:`changelog` is generated based on :code:`CHANGELOG.rst` in the repository's root directory. When the website is constructed, the :code:`_sphinx_src/changelog.rst` is a symbolic link to :code:`CHANGELOG.rst`, created by .. code-block:: cd _sphinx_src ln -s ../../CHANGELOG.rst changelog.rst But because github pages cannot access :code:`../../CHANGELOG.rst`, this symbolic has to be removed when the site is deployed.