"""Implementation of B-LQR algorithm described in "Belief space planning
assuming maximum likelihood observations" :cite:`platt2010belief`
import pomdp_py
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
class BLQR(pomdp_py.Planner):
def __init__(
"""To initialize the planenr of B-LQR, one needs to supply parameters
that describe the underlying linear gaussian system, and also
matrices that describe the cost function. Note that math symbols
(e.g. xt, ut) are vectors or matrices represented as np.arrays.
The B-LQR cost function (Eq.14 in the paper):
:math:`J(b_{t:T},u_{t:T}) = \bar{m}_T^TQ_{large}\bar{m}_T+\bar{s}_T^T\Lambda\bar{s}_T + \sum_{k=t}^{T-1}\bar{m}_k^TQ\bar{m}_k+\bar{u}_t^TR\bar{u}_t`
func_sysd (function): f: (xt, ut) -> xt+1
func_obs (function): g: (xt) -> zt
jac_sysd (function): dfdx: (mt, ut) -> At
jac_obs (function): dgdx: (mt) -> Ct
jac_sysd_u (function): dfdu (mt, ut) -> Bt
noise_obs (function): (xt) -> pomdp_py.Gaussian. Potentially
state-dependent observation noise
noise_sysd (function): (xt) -> pomdp_py.Gaussian. Potentially
state-dependent system dynamics noise
Qlarge (np.array) matrix of shape :math:`d \times d` where :math:`d`
is the dimensionality of the state vector.
L (np.array) matrix of shape :math:`d \times d` where :math:`d`
is the dimensionality of the state vector.
(Same as :math:`\Lambda` in the equation)
Q (np.array) matrix of shape :math:`d \times d` where :math:`d`
is the dimensionality of the state vector.
R (np.array) matrix of shape :math:`c \times c` where :math:`c`
is the dimensionality of the control vector.
planning_horizon (int): This is the :math:`T`, the planning horizon.
self._func_sysd = func_sysd
self._func_obs = func_obs
self._jac_sysd = jac_sysd
self._jac_obs = jac_obs
self._jac_sysd = jac_sysd_u
self._noise_obs = noise_obs
self._noise_sysd = noise_sysd
self._Qlarge = Qlarge
self._L = L # Lambda
self._Q = Q
self._R = R
self._planning_horizon = planning_horizon
self._dim_state = self._Q.shape[0]
self._dim_control = self._R.shape[0]
def ekf_update_mlo(self, bt, ut):
Performs the ekf belief update assuming maximum likelihood observation.
This follows equations 12, 13 in the paper. It's the function :math:`F`.
bt (tuple): a belief point bt = (mt, Cov_t) representing the belief state.
where mt is np.array of shape (d,) and Cov_t is np.array of shape (d,d).
The cost function equation needs to turn Cov_t into a long vector consist
of the columns of Cov_t stiched together.
ut (np.array): control vector
noise_t (pomdp_py.Gaussian): The Gaussian noise with "possibly state-dependent"
covariance matrix Wt.
noise_sysd (np.array): A noise term (e.g. Gaussian noise) added to the
system dynamics (:math:`v` in Eq.12). This array should have the sam
dimensionality as mt.
noise_obs_cov (np.array): The covariance matrix of the Gaussian noise of the
observation function. This corresponds to Wt in equation 13.
mt, Cov_t = bt
At = self._jac_sysd(mt, ut)
Ct = self._jac_obs(mt) # based on maximum likelihood observation
Wt = self._noise_obs(mt).cov
Gat = np.dot(np.dot(At, Cov_t), At.transpose()) # Gamma_t = At*Cov_t*At^T
CGC_W_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(np.dot(Ct, Gat), Ct.transpose()) + Wt)
Cov_next = Gat - np.dot(
np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(Gat, Ct.transpose()), CGC_W_inv), Ct), Gat
m_next = self._func_sysd(mt, ut) + self._noise_sysd(mt).random()
return (m_next, Cov_next)
def _b_u_seg(self, x, i):
"""Returns the elements of x that corresponds to the belief and controls,
as a tuple (m_i, Covi, u_i)"""
d = self._dim_state
c = self._dim_control
start = i * (d + (d * d) + c)
end = (i + 1) * (d + (d * d) + c)
m_i_end = i * (d + (d * d) + c) + d
Covi_end = i * (d + (d * d) + c) + d + d * d
u_end = i * (d + (d * d) + c) + d + d * d + c
return x[start:m_i_end], x[m_i_end:Covi_end], x[Covi_end:u_end]
def _control_max_constraint(self, x, i, max_val):
_, _, u_i = self._b_u_seg(x, i)
return max_val - u_i
def _control_min_constraint(self, x, i, min_val):
_, _, u_i = self._b_u_seg(x, i)
return u_i - min_val
def _mean_final_constraint(self, x, m_des, num_segments):
m_k, _, _ = self._b_u_seg(x, num_segments - 1)
return m_k - m_des
def _mean_start_constraint(self, x, m_0):
m_k, _, _ = self._b_u_seg(x, 0)
return m_k - m_0
def _belief_constraint(self, x, i, num_segments):
m_i, s_i, u_i = self._b_u_seg(x, i)
Cov_i = s_i.reshape(self._dim_state, self._dim_state).transpose()
m_ip1, Cov_ip1 = self.integrate_belief_segment((m_i, Cov_i), u_i, num_segments)
s_ip1 = Cov_ip1.transpose().reshape(
b_i_vec = np.append(m_i, s_i)
b_ip1_vec = np.append(m_ip1, s_ip1)
return b_i_vec - b_ip1_vec
def integrate_belief_segment(self, b_i, u_i, num_segments):
"""This is to represent equation 18.
phi(b_i', u_i') = F(b_i', u_i') + sum F(b_{t+1}, u_i) - F(b_t, u_i)
t in seg
This essentially returns b_{i+1}'
m_i, Cov_i = b_i
b_seg = [self.ekf_update_mlo((m_i, Cov_i), u_i)]
for t in range(1, self._planning_horizon // num_segments):
b_seg.append(self.ekf_update_mlo(b_seg[t - 1], u_i))
sum_mean = b_seg[0][0]
sum_Cov = b_seg[0][1]
for t in range(len(b_seg)):
if t + 1 < len(b_seg) - 1:
sum_mean += b_seg[t + 1][0] - b_seg[t][0]
sum_Cov += b_seg[t + 1][1] - b_seg[t][1]
return sum_mean, sum_Cov
def _opt_cost_func_seg(self, x, b_des, u_des, num_segments):
"""This will be used as part of the objective function for scipy
optimizer. Therefore we only take in one input vector, x. We require
the structure of x to be:
[ m1 | Cov 1 | u1 ] ... [ m_i | Cov i | u_i ]
Use the _b_u_seg function to obtain the individual parts.
bu_traj = []
for i in range(num_segments):
m_i, s_i, u_i = self._b_u_seg(x, i)
Cov_i = s_i.reshape(self._dim_state, self._dim_state).transpose()
bu_traj.append(((m_i, Cov_i), u_i))
return self.segmented_cost_function(bu_traj, b_des, u_des, num_segments)
def segmented_cost_function(self, bu_traj, b_des, u_des, num_segments):
"""The cost function in eq 17.
b_des (tuple): The desired belief (mT, CovT). This is needed to compute the cost function.
u_des (list): A list of desired controls at the beginning of each segment.
If this information is not available, pass in an empty list.
if len(u_des) > 0 and len(u_des) != num_segments:
raise ValueError(
"The list of desired controls, if provided, must have one control"
"per segment"
b_T, u_T = bu_traj[-1]
m_T, Cov_T = b_T
s_T = Cov_T.transpose().reshape(
sLs = np.dot(np.dot(s_T.transpose(), self._L), s_T)
Summation = 0
for i in range(num_segments):
b_i, u_i = bu_traj[i]
m_i, _ = b_i
m_i_diff = m_i - b_des[0]
if len(u_des) > 0:
u_i_des = u_des[i]
u_i_des = np.zeros(self._dim_control)
u_i_diff = u_i - u_i_des
Summation += np.dot(
np.dot(m_i_diff.transpose(), self._Q), m_i_diff
) + np.dot(np.dot(u_i_diff.transpose(), self._R), u_i_diff)
return sLs + Summation
def create_plan(
"""Solves the SQP problem using direct transcription, and produce belief points
and controls at segments.
Reference: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/optimize.html"""
# build initial guess from initial belief and the given trajectory.
x_0 = []
b_i = b_0
for i in range(num_segments):
m_i, Cov_i = b_i
s_i = Cov_i.transpose().reshape(
u_i = u_init[i]
b_i = self.integrate_belief_segment(b_i, u_i, num_segments)
# constraints
constraints = []
## initial belief constraint
cons_start = {
"type": "eq",
"fun": self._mean_start_constraint,
"args": [b_0[0]],
## belief dynamics constraints and control bounds
for i in range(num_segments):
if i + 1 < num_segments - 1:
cons_belief = {
"type": "eq",
"fun": self._belief_constraint,
"args": [i, num_segments],
# control bounds
if control_bounds is not None:
cons_control_min = {
"type": "ineq",
"fun": self._control_min_constraint,
"args": [i, control_bounds[0]],
cons_control_max = {
"type": "ineq",
"fun": self._control_max_constraint,
"args": [i, control_bounds[1]],
# final belief constraint
cons_final = {
"type": "eq",
"fun": self._mean_final_constraint,
"args": [b_des[0], num_segments],
opt_res = optimize.minimize(
args=(b_des, u_init, num_segments),
return opt_res
def interpret_sqp_plan(self, opt_res, num_segments):
x_res = opt_res.x
plan = []
for i in range(num_segments):
m_i, s_i, u_i = self._b_u_seg(x_res, i)
Cov_i = s_i.reshape(self._dim_state, self._dim_state).transpose()
plan.append((m_i, Cov_i, u_i))
return plan