Source code for pomdp_py.problems.tag.models.observation_model

import pomdp_py
from pomdp_py.problems.tag.domain.observation import *
import pomdp_py.problems.tag.constants as constants

[docs] class TagObservationModel(pomdp_py.ObservationModel): """In this observation model, the robot deterministically observes the target location when it is in the same grid cell as the target. Ohterwise the robot does not observe anything."""
[docs] def probability(self, observation, next_state, action, **kwargs): if next_state.robot_position == next_state.target_position: if observation.target_position is None: return constants.EPSILON else: if observation.target_position == next_state.target_position: return 1.0 - constants.EPSILON else: return constants.EPSILON else: if observation.target_position is None: return 1.0 - constants.EPSILON else: return constants.EPSILON
[docs] def sample(self, next_state, action): """There is no stochaisticity in the observation model""" if next_state.robot_position == next_state.target_position: return TagObservation(next_state.target_position) else: return TagObservation(None)
[docs] def argmax(self, next_state, action): return self.sample(next_state, action)