Source code for pomdp_py.utils.debugging

"""This module contains utility functions making it easier to debug POMDP


The core debugging functionality for POMCP/POUCT search trees is incorporated
into the TreeDebugger.  It is designed for ease of use during a :code:`pdb` or
:code:`ipdb` debugging session. Here is a minimal example usage:

.. code-block:: python

   from pomdp_py.utils import TreeDebugger
   from pomdp_problems.tiger import TigerProblem

   # pomdp_py.Agent
   agent = TigerProblem.create("tiger-left", 0.5, 0.15).agent

   # suppose pouct is a pomdp_py.POUCT object (POMCP works too)
   pouct = pomdp_py.POUCT(max_depth=4, discount_factor=0.95,
                          num_sims=4096, exploration_const=200,

   action = pouct.plan(agent)
   dd = TreeDebugger(agent.tree)
   import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

When the program executes, you enter the pdb debugger, and you can:

.. code-block:: text

    (Pdb) dd.pp
    _VNodePP(n=4095, v=-19.529)(depth=0)
    ├─── ₀listen⟶_QNodePP(n=4059, v=-19.529)
    │    ├─── ₀tiger-left⟶_VNodePP(n=2013, v=-16.586)(depth=1)
    │    │    ├─── ₀listen⟶_QNodePP(n=1883, v=-16.586)
    │    │    │    ├─── ₀tiger-left⟶_VNodePP(n=1441, v=-8.300)(depth=2)
    ... # prints out the entire tree; Colored in terminal.

    (Pdb) dd.p(1)
    _VNodePP(n=4095, v=-19.529)(depth=0)
    ├─── ₀listen⟶_QNodePP(n=4059, v=-19.529)
    │    ├─── ₀tiger-left⟶_VNodePP(n=2013, v=-16.586)(depth=1)
    │    │    ├─── ₀listen⟶_QNodePP(n=1883, v=-16.586)
    │    │    ├─── ₁open-left⟶_QNodePP(n=18, v=-139.847)
    │    │    └─── ₂open-right⟶_QNodePP(n=112, v=-57.191)
    ... # prints up to depth 1

Note that the printed texts are colored in the terminal.

You can retrieve the subtree through indexing:

.. code-block:: text

    (Pdb) dd[0]
    listen⟶_QNodePP(n=4059, v=-19.529)
        - [0] tiger-left: VNode(n=2013, v=-16.586)
        - [1] tiger-right: VNode(n=2044, v=-16.160)

    (Pdb) dd[0][1][2]
    open-right⟶_QNodePP(n=15, v=-148.634)
        - [0] tiger-left: VNode(n=7, v=-20.237)
        - [1] tiger-right: VNode(n=6, v=8.500)

You can obtain the currently preferred action sequence by:

.. code-block:: text

    (Pdb) dd.mbp
       listen  []
       listen  []
       listen  []
       listen  []
       open-left  []
     _VNodePP(n=4095, v=-19.529)(depth=0)
     ├─── ₀listen⟶_QNodePP(n=4059, v=-19.529)
     │    └─── ₁tiger-right⟶_VNodePP(n=2044, v=-16.160)(depth=1)
     │         ├─── ₀listen⟶_QNodePP(n=1955, v=-16.160)
     │         │    └─── ₁tiger-right⟶_VNodePP(n=1441, v=-8.300)(depth=2)
     │         │         ├─── ₀listen⟶_QNodePP(n=947, v=-8.300)
     │         │         │    └─── ₁tiger-right⟶_VNodePP(n=768, v=0.022)(depth=3)
     │         │         │         ├─── ₀listen⟶_QNodePP(n=462, v=0.022)
     │         │         │         │    └─── ₁tiger-right⟶_VNodePP(n=395, v=10.000)(depth=4)
     │         │         │         │         ├─── ₁open-left⟶_QNodePP(n=247, v=10.000)

:code:`mbp` stands for "mark best plan".

To explore more features, browse the list of methods in the documentation.

import sys
from pomdp_py.algorithms.po_uct import TreeNode, QNode, VNode, RootVNode
from pomdp_py.utils import typ, similar, special_char

MARKED = {}  # tracks marked nodes on tree

def _node_pp(node, e=None, p=None, o=None):
    # We want to return the node, but we don't want to print it on pdb with
    # its default string. But instead, we want to print it with our own
    # string formatting.
    if isinstance(node, VNode):
        return _VNodePP(node, parent_edge=e, parent=p, original=o)
        return _QNodePP(node, parent_edge=e, parent=p, original=o)

class _NodePP:
    def __init__(self, node, parent_edge=None, parent=None, original=None):
        """node: either VNode or QNode (the actual node on the tree)"""
        self.parent_edge = parent_edge
        self.parent = parent
        self.children = node.children
        self.print_children = True
        if original is None:
            self.original = node
            self.original = original

    def __hash__(self):
        return id(self.original)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return id(self.original) == id(other.original)
            return False

    def marked(self):
        return id(self.original) in MARKED

    def to_edge(self, key):
        if key in self.children:
            return key
        elif type(key) == int:
            edges = list(sorted_by_str(self.children.keys()))
            return edges[key]
        elif type(key) == str:
            chosen = max(self.children.keys(), key=lambda edge: similar(str(edge), key))
            if similar(str(chosen), key) >= SIMILAR_THRESH:
                return chosen
        raise ValueError("Cannot access children with key {}".format(key))

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        When debugging, you can access the child of a node by the key
        of the following types:
        - the key is an action or observation object that points to a child;
          that is, key in self.children is True.
        - the key is an integer corresponding to the list of children shown
          when printing the node in the debugger
        - the key is a string that is similar to the string
          version of any of the action or observation edges;
          the most similar one will be chosen; The threshold
          of similarity is SIMILAR_THRESH
        edge = self.to_edge(key)
        c = self.children[edge]
        if isinstance(c, _NodePP):
            original = c.original
            original = None
        return _node_pp(c, e=edge, p=self, o=original)

    def __contains__(self, key):
            return True
        except ValueError:
            return False

    def interpret_print_type(opt):
        if opt.startswith("b") or opt.startswith("m"):
            opt = "marked-only"
        elif opt.startswith("s"):
            opt = "summary"
        elif opt.startswith("c"):
            opt = "complete"
            raise ValueError("Cannot understand print type: {}".format(opt))
        return opt

    def p(self, opt=None, **kwargs):
        if opt is None:
            max_depth = None
            print_type_opt = kwargs.get("t", "summary")
        elif type(opt) == int:
            max_depth = opt
            print_type_opt = kwargs.get("t", "summary")
        elif type(opt) == str:
            print_type_opt = opt
            max_depth = kwargs.get("d", None)
            raise ValueError("Cannot deal with opt of type {}".format(type(opt)))
            max_depth=max_depth, print_type=_NodePP.interpret_print_type(print_type_opt)

    def pp(self):

    def print_tree(self, **options):
        """Prints the tree, rooted at self"""
        _NodePP._print_tree_helper(self, 0, "", [None], -1, **options)

    def _print_tree_helper(
        depth,  # depth of root
        branch_positions,  # list of 'first', 'middle', 'last' for each level prior to root
        child_index,  # Index of the root as a child of parent
        pos_among_children is either 'first', 'middle', or 'last'
        if max_depth is not None and depth > max_depth:
        if root is None:

        # Print the tree branches for all levels up to current root
        branches = ""
        preceding_positions = branch_positions[
        ]  # all positions except for current root
        for pos in preceding_positions:
            if pos is None:
            elif pos == "first" or pos == "middle":
                branches += "│    "
            else:  # "last"
                branches += "     "

        last_position = branch_positions[-1]
        if last_position is None:
        elif last_position == "first" or last_position == "middle":
            branches += "├─── "
        else:  # last
            branches += "└─── "

        root.print_children = False
        if child_index >= 0:
            line = (
                + str(child_index).translate(special_char.SUBSCRIPT)
                + str(root)
            line = branches + str(root)
        if isinstance(root, VNode):
            line += typ.cyan("(depth=" + str(depth) + ")")


        for i, c in enumerate(sorted_by_str(root.children)):
            skip = True
            if root[c].marked:
                skip = False
            elif print_type == "complete":
                skip = False
            elif root[c].num_visits > 1:
                skip = False
            if print_type == "marked-only" and not root[c].marked:
                skip = True

            if not skip:
                if isinstance(root[c], QNode):
                    next_depth = depth
                    next_depth = depth + 1

                if i == len(root.children) - 1:
                    next_pos = "last"
                elif i == 0:
                    next_pos = "first"
                    next_pos = "middle"

                    branch_positions + [next_pos],

class _QNodePP(_NodePP, QNode):
    """QNode for better printing"""

    def __init__(self, qnode, **kwargs):
        QNode.__init__(self, qnode.num_visits, qnode.value)
        _NodePP.__init__(self, qnode, **kwargs)

    def __str__(self):
        return TreeDebugger.single_node_str(
            self, parent_edge=self.parent_edge, include_children=self.print_children

class _VNodePP(_NodePP, VNode):
    """VNode for better printing"""

    def __init__(self, vnode, **kwargs):
        VNode.__init__(self, vnode.num_visits)
        _NodePP.__init__(self, vnode, **kwargs)

    def __str__(self):
        return TreeDebugger.single_node_str(
            self, parent_edge=self.parent_edge, include_children=self.print_children

[docs] class TreeDebugger: """ Helps you debug the search tree; A search tree is a tree that contains a subset of future histories, organized into QNodes (value represents Q(b,a); children are observations) and VNodes (value represents V(b); children are actions). """ def __init__(self, tree): """ Args: tree (VNode): the root node of a search tree. For example, the tree built by POUCT after planning an action, which can be accessed by agent.tree. """ if not isinstance(tree, TreeNode): raise ValueError( "Expecting tree to be a TreeNode, but got {}".format(type(tree)) ) self.tree = _node_pp(tree) self.current = self.tree # points to the node the user is interacting with self._stats_cache = {} def __str__(self): return str(self.current) def __repr__(self): nodestr = TreeDebugger.single_node_str( self.current, parent_edge=self.current.parent_edge ) return "TreeDebugger@\n{}".format(nodestr) def __getitem__(self, key): if type(key) == tuple: n = self.current for k in key: n = n[k] return n else: return self.current[key] def _get_stats(self): if id(self.current) in self._stats_cache: stats = self._stats_cache[id(self.current)] else: stats = TreeDebugger.tree_stats(self.current) self._stats_cache[id(self.current)] = stats return stats
[docs] def num_nodes(self, kind="all"): """ Returns the total number of nodes in the tree rooted at "current" """ stats = self._get_stats() res = { "all": stats["total_vnodes"] + stats["total_qnodes"], "q": stats["total_qnodes"], "v": stats["total_vnodes"], } if kind in res: return res[kind] else: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for kind={}; Valid values are {}".format( kind, list(res.keys()) ) )
@property def depth(self): """Tree depth starts from 0 (root node only). It is the largest number of edges on a path from root to leaf.""" stats = self._get_stats() return stats["max_depth"] @property def d(self): """alias for depth""" return self.depth @property def num_layers(self): """Returns the number of layers; It is the number of layers of nodes, which equals to depth + 1""" return self.depth + 1 @property def nl(self): """alias for num_layers""" return self.num_layers @property def nn(self): """Returns the total number of nodes in the tree""" return self.num_nodes(kind="all") @property def nq(self): """Returns the total number of QNodes in the tree""" return self.num_nodes(kind="q") @property def nv(self): """Returns the total number of VNodes in the tree""" return self.num_nodes(kind="v")
[docs] def l(self, depth, as_debuggers=True): """alias for layer""" return self.layer(depth, as_debuggers=as_debuggers)
[docs] def layer(self, depth, as_debuggers=True): """ Returns a list of nodes at the given depth. Will only return VNodes. Warning: If depth is high, there will likely be a huge number of nodes. Args: depth (int): Depth of the tree as_debuggers (bool): True if return a list of TreeDebugger objects, one for each tree on the layer. """ if depth < 0 or depth > self.depth: raise ValueError( "Depth {} is out of range (0-{})".format(depth, self.depth) ) nodes = [] self._layer_helper(self.current, 0, depth, nodes) return nodes
def _layer_helper( self, root, current_depth, target_depth, nodes, as_debuggers=True ): if current_depth == target_depth: if isinstance(root, VNode): if as_debuggers: nodes.append(TreeDebugger(root.original)) else: nodes.append(root) else: for c in sorted_by_str(root.children): if isinstance(root[c], QNode): next_depth = current_depth else: next_depth = current_depth + 1 self._layer_helper(root[c], next_depth, target_depth, nodes) @property def leaf(self): worklist = [self.current] seen = set({self.current}) leafs = [] while len(worklist) > 0: node = worklist.pop() if len(node.children) == 0: leafs.append(node) else: for c in node.children: if node[c] not in seen: worklist.append(node[c]) seen.add(node[c]) return leafs
[docs] def step(self, key): """Updates current interaction node to follow the edge along key""" edge = self.current.to_edge(key) self.current = self[edge] print("step: " + str(edge))
[docs] def s(self, key): """alias for step""" return self.step(key)
[docs] def back(self): """move current node of interaction back to parent""" self.current = self.current.parent
@property def b(self): """alias for back""" self.back() @property def root(self): """The root node when first creating this TreeDebugger""" return self.tree @property def r(self): """alias for root""" return self.root @property def c(self): """Current node of interaction""" return self.current
[docs] def p(self, *args, **kwargs): """print tree""" return self.current.p(*args, **kwargs)
@property def pp(self): """print tree, with preset options""" return self.current.pp @property def mbp(self): """Mark Best and Print. Mark the best sequence, and then print with only the marked nodes""" self.mark(self.bestseq, color="yellow") self.p("marked-only") @property def pm(self): """Print marked only""" self.p("marked-only")
[docs] def mark_sequence(self, seq, color=DEFAULT_MARK_COLOR): """ Given a list of keys (understandable by __getitem__ in _NodePP), mark nodes (both QNode and VNode) along the path in the tree. Note this sequence starts from self.current; So self.current will also be marked. """ node = self.current MARKED[id(node.original)] = interpret_color(color) for key in seq: MARKED[id(node[key].original)] = interpret_color(color) node = node[key]
[docs] def mark(self, seq, **kwargs): """alias for mark_sequence""" return self.mark_sequence(seq, **kwargs)
[docs] def mark_path(self, dest, **kwargs): """paths the path to dest node""" return self.mark(self.path_to(dest), **kwargs)
[docs] def markp(self, dest, **kwargs): """alias to mark_path""" return self.mark_path(dest, **kwargs)
@property def clear(self): """Clear the marks""" global MARKED MARKED = {} @property def bestseq(self): """Returns a list of actions, observation sequence that have the highest value for each step. Such a sequence is "preferred". Also, prints out the list of preferred actions for each step into the future""" return self.preferred_actions(self.current, max_depth=None)
[docs] def bestseqd(self, max_depth): """ alias for bestseq except with """ return self.preferred_actions(self.current, max_depth=max_depth)
[docs] @staticmethod def single_node_str(node, parent_edge=None, indent=1, include_children=True): """ Returns a string for printing given a single vnode. """ if hasattr(node, "marked") and node.marked: color_fn = MARKED[id(node.original)] opposite_color = color = lambda s: typ.bold(color_fn(s)) elif isinstance(node, VNode): color = opposite_color = else: assert isinstance(node, QNode) color = opposite_color = output = "" if parent_edge is not None: output += opposite_color(str(parent_edge)) + "⟶" output += color(str(node.__class__.__name__)) + "(n={}, v={:.3f})".format( node.num_visits, node.value ) if include_children: output += "\n" for i, action in enumerate(sorted_by_str(node.children)): child = node.children[action] child_info = TreeDebugger.single_node_str(child, include_children=False) spaces = " " * indent output += "{}- [{}] {}: {}".format( spaces, i, typ.white(str(action)), child_info ) if i < len(node.children) - 1: output += "\n" output += "\n" return output
[docs] @staticmethod def preferred_actions(root, max_depth=None): """ Print out the currently preferred actions up to given `max_depth` """ seq = [] TreeDebugger._preferred_actions_helper(root, 0, seq, max_depth=max_depth) return seq
@staticmethod def _preferred_actions_helper(root, depth, seq, max_depth=None): # don't care about last layer action because it's outside of planning # horizon and only has initial value. if max_depth is not None and depth > max_depth: return if root is None or len(root.children) == 0: return best_child = root.to_edge(0) best_value = root[0].value for c in root.children: if root[c].value > best_value: best_child = c best_value = root[c].value seq.append(best_child) equally_good = [] if isinstance(root, VNode): for c in root.children: if not (c == best_child) and root[c].value == best_value: equally_good.append(c) if best_child is not None and root[best_child] is not None: if isinstance(root[best_child], QNode): print(" %s %s" % (typ.yellow(str(best_child)), str(equally_good))) next_depth = depth else: next_depth = depth + 1 TreeDebugger._preferred_actions_helper( root[best_child], next_depth, seq, max_depth=max_depth )
[docs] def path(self, dest): """alias for path_to; Example usage: marking path from root to the first node on the second layer: dd.mark(dd.path(dd.layer(2)[0])) """ return self.path_to(dest)
[docs] def path_to(self, dest): """Returns a list of keys (actions / observations) that represents the path from self.current to the given node `dest`. Returns None if the path does not exist. Uses DFS. Can be useful for marking path to a node to a specific layer. Note that the returned path is a list of keys (i.e. edges), not nodes. """ # dest may be in the returned list of layer() which could be a TreeDebugger. if isinstance(dest, TreeDebugger): dest = dest.current worklist = [self.current] seen = set({self.current}) parent = {self.current: None} while len(worklist) > 0: node = worklist.pop() if node == dest: return self._get_path(self.current, dest, parent) for c in node.children: if node[c] not in seen: worklist.append(node[c]) seen.add(node[c]) parent[node[c]] = (node, c) return None
def _get_path(self, start, dest, parent): """Helper method for path_to""" v = dest path = [] while v != start: v, edge = parent[v] path.append(edge) return list(reversed(path))
[docs] @staticmethod def tree_stats(root, max_depth=None): """Gether statistics about the tree""" stats = { "total_vnodes": 0, "total_qnodes": 0, "total_vnodes_children": 0, "total_qnodes_children": 0, "max_vnodes_children": 0, "max_qnodes_children": 0, "max_depth": 0, } TreeDebugger._tree_stats_helper(root, 0, stats, max_depth=max_depth) stats["num_visits"] = root.num_visits stats["value"] = root.value return stats
@staticmethod def _tree_stats_helper(root, depth, stats, max_depth=None): if max_depth is not None and depth > max_depth: return else: if isinstance(root, VNode): stats["total_vnodes"] += 1 stats["total_vnodes_children"] += len(root.children) stats["max_vnodes_children"] = max( stats["max_vnodes_children"], len(root.children) ) stats["max_depth"] = max(stats["max_depth"], depth) else: stats["total_qnodes"] += 1 stats["total_qnodes_children"] += len(root.children) stats["max_qnodes_children"] = max( stats["max_qnodes_children"], len(root.children) ) for c in root.children: if isinstance(root[c], QNode): next_depth = depth else: next_depth = depth + 1 TreeDebugger._tree_stats_helper( root[c], next_depth, stats, max_depth=max_depth )
[docs] def sorted_by_str(enumerable): return sorted(enumerable, key=lambda n: str(n))
[docs] def interpret_color(colorstr): if colorstr.lower() in typ.colors: return eval("typ.{}".format(colorstr)) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid color: {};\nThe available ones are {}".format(colorstr, typ.colors) )