Provides utility to convert a POMDP written in pomdp_py to
a POMDP file format (.pomdp or .pomdpx). Output to a file.
import subprocess
import os
import pomdp_py
import numpy as np
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def to_pomdp_file(agent, output_path=None, discount_factor=0.95, float_precision=9):
Pass in an Agent, and use its components to generate
a .pomdp file to `output_path`.
The .pomdp file format is specified at:
* It is assumed that the reward is independent of the observation.
* The state, action, and observations of the agent must be
explicitly enumerable.
* The state, action and observations of the agent must be
convertable to a string that does not contain any blank space.
agent (~pomdp_py.framework.basics.Agent): The agent
output_path (str): The path of the output file to write in. Optional.
Default None.
discount_factor (float): The discount factor
float_precision (int): Number of decimals for float to str conversion.
Default 6.
(list, list, list): The list of states, actions, observations that
are ordered in the same way as they are in the .pomdp file.
# Preamble
all_states = list(agent.all_states)
all_actions = list(agent.all_actions)
all_observations = list(agent.all_observations)
except NotImplementedError:
raise ValueError(
"S, A, O must be enumerable for a given agent to convert to .pomdp format"
content = f"discount: %.{float_precision}f\n" % discount_factor
content += "values: reward\n" # We only consider reward, not cost.
list_of_states = " ".join(str(s) for s in all_states)
assert len(list_of_states.split(" ")) == len(
), "states must be convertable to strings without blank spaces"
content += "states: %s\n" % list_of_states
list_of_actions = " ".join(str(a) for a in all_actions)
assert len(list_of_actions.split(" ")) == len(
), "actions must be convertable to strings without blank spaces"
content += "actions: %s\n" % list_of_actions
list_of_observations = " ".join(str(o) for o in all_observations)
assert len(list_of_observations.split(" ")) == len(
), "observations must be convertable to strings without blank spaces"
content += "observations: %s\n" % list_of_observations
# Starting belief state - they need to be normalized
total_belief = sum(agent.belief[s] for s in all_states)
content += "start: %s\n" % (
" ".join(
f"%.{float_precision}f" % (agent.belief[s] / total_belief)
for s in all_states
# State transition probabilities - they need to be normalized
for s in all_states:
for a in all_actions:
probs = []
for s_next in all_states:
prob = agent.transition_model.probability(s_next, s, a)
total_prob = sum(probs)
for i, s_next in enumerate(all_states):
prob_norm = probs[i] / total_prob
content += f"T : %s : %s : %s %.{float_precision}f\n" % (
# Observation probabilities - they need to be normalized
for s_next in all_states:
for a in all_actions:
probs = []
for o in all_observations:
prob = agent.observation_model.probability(o, s_next, a)
total_prob = sum(probs)
assert (
total_prob > 0.0
), "No observation is probable under state={} action={}".format(s_next, a)
for i, o in enumerate(all_observations):
prob_norm = probs[i] / total_prob
content += f"O : %s : %s : %s %.{float_precision}f\n" % (
# Immediate rewards
for s in all_states:
for a in all_actions:
for s_next in all_states:
# We will take the argmax reward, which works for deterministic rewards.
r = agent.reward_model.sample(s, a, s_next)
content += f"R : %s : %s : %s : * %.{float_precision}f\n" % (
if output_path is not None:
with open(output_path, "w") as f:
return all_states, all_actions, all_observations
def to_pomdpx_file(agent, pomdpconvert_path, output_path=None, discount_factor=0.95):
Converts an agent to a pomdpx file. This works by first converting the agent into a .pomdp file and then
using the :code:`pomdpconvert` utility program to convert that file to a .pomdpx file. Check out
:code:`pomdpconvert` at `github://AdaCompNUS/sarsop <https://github.com/AdaCompNUS/sarsop>`_
Follow the instructions at https://github.com/AdaCompNUS/sarsop
to download and build sarsop (I tested on Ubuntu 18.04, gcc version 7.5.0)
See documentation for pomdpx at:
First converts the agent into .pomdp, then convert it to pomdpx.
agent (~pomdp_py.framework.basics.Agent): The agent
pomdpconvert_path (str): Path to the :code:`pomdpconvert` binary
output_path (str): The path of the output file to write in. Optional.
Default None.
discount_factor (float): The discount factor
pomdp_path = "./temp-pomdp.pomdp"
to_pomdp_file(agent, pomdp_path, discount_factor=discount_factor)
proc = subprocess.Popen([pomdpconvert_path, pomdp_path])
pomdpx_path = pomdp_path + "x"
assert os.path.exists(pomdpx_path), "POMDPx conversion failed."
with open(pomdpx_path, "r") as f:
content = f.read()
if output_path is not None:
os.rename(pomdpx_path, output_path)
# Delete temporary files
if os.path.exists(pomdpx_path):
def parse_pomdp_solve_output(alpha_path, pg_path=None):
"""Parse the output of pomdp_solve, given
by an .alpha file and a .pg file.
Given a path to a .alpha file, read and interpret its contents.
The file formats are specified at:
Note on policy graph (from the official website): To use this first requires
knowing which of the policy graph states to start in. This can be achieved
by finding the alpha vector with the maximal dot product with the initial
starting state.
Note: Parsing the .alpha file is required. The .pg path is optional (this
is because I noticed some errors in the .pg file produced)
alphas: [(alpha_vector, action_number) ...]
policy_graph: a mapping from node number to (action_number, edges)
alphas = [] # (alpha_vector, action_number) tuples
with open(alpha_path, "r") as f:
action_number = None
alpha_vector = None
mode = "action"
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
if len(line) == 0:
if mode == "action":
action_number = int(line)
mode = "alpha"
elif mode == "alpha":
alpha_vector = tuple(map(float, line.split(" ")))
alphas.append((alpha_vector, action_number))
mode = "action"
action_number = None
alpha_vector = None
policy_graph = {} # a mapping from node number to (action_number, edges)
if pg_path is None:
return alphas
with open(pg_path, "r") as f:
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
if len(line) == 0:
parts = list(map(int, line.split())) # Splits on whitespace
assert parts[0] not in policy_graph, (
"The node id %d already exists. Something wrong" % parts[0]
policy_graph[parts[0]] = (parts[1], parts[2:])
return alphas, policy_graph
class AlphaVectorPolicy(pomdp_py.Planner):
An offline POMDP policy is specified by a collection
of alpha vectors, each associated with an action. When
planning is needed, the dot product of these alpha vectors
and the agent's belief vector is computed and the alpha
vector leading to the maximum is the 'dominating' alpha
vector and we return its corresponding action.
An offline policy can be optionally represented as
a policy graph. In this case, the agent can plan without
actively maintaining a belief because the policy graph
is a finite state machine that transitions by observations.
This can be constructed using .policy file created by sarsop.
def __init__(self, alphas, states):
alphas (list): A list of (alpha_vector, action) tuples.
An alpha_vector is a list of floats :code:`[V1, V2, ... VN]`.
states (list): List of states, ordered as in .pomdp file
self.alphas = alphas
self.states = states
def plan(self, agent):
"""Returns an action that is mapped by the agent belief, under this policy"""
b = [agent.belief[s] for s in self.states]
_, action = max(self.alphas, key=lambda va: np.dot(b, va[0]))
return action
def value(self, belief):
Returns the value V(b) under this alpha vector policy.
:math:`V(b) = max_{a\in\Gamma} {a} \cdot b`
b = [belief[s] for s in self.states]
alpha_vector, _ = max(self.alphas, key=lambda va: np.dot(b, va[0]))
return np.dot(b, alpha_vector)
def construct(cls, policy_path, states, actions, solver="pomdpsol"):
Returns an AlphaVectorPolicy, given `alphas`,
which are the output of parse_appl_policy_file.
policy_path (str): Path to the generated .policy file
(for sarsop) or .alpha file (for pomdp-solve)
states (list): A list of States, in the same order as in the .pomdp file
actions (list): A list of Actions, in the same order as in the .pomdp file
AlphaVectorPolicy: The policy stored in the given policy file.
if solver == "pomdp-solve" or solver == "vi":
return cls.construct_from_pomdp_solve(policy_path, states, actions)
elif solver == "pomdpsol" or solver == "sarsop":
alphas = []
root = ET.parse(policy_path).getroot()
for vector in root.find("AlphaVector").iter("Vector"):
action = actions[int(vector.attrib["action"])]
alpha_vector = tuple(map(float, vector.text.split()))
alphas.append((alpha_vector, action))
return AlphaVectorPolicy(alphas, states)
def construct_from_pomdp_solve(cls, alpha_path, states, actions):
alphas_with_action_numbers = parse_pomdp_solve_output(alpha_path)
alphas = [
(alpha_vector, actions[action_number])
for alpha_vector, action_number in alphas_with_action_numbers
return AlphaVectorPolicy(alphas, states)
class PGNode:
"""A node on the policy graph"""
def __init__(self, node_id, alpha_vector, action):
self.node_id = node_id
self.alpha_vector = alpha_vector
self.action = action
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, PolicyNode):
return self.node_id == other.node_id
return False
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.node_id)
def __str__(self):
return repr(self)
def __repr__(self):
return "NodeID(%d)::AlphaVector(%s)::Action(%s)\n" % (
class PolicyGraph(pomdp_py.Planner):
"""A PolicyGraph encodes a POMDP plan. It
can be constructed from the alphas and policy graph
format output by Cassandra's pomdp-solver."""
def __init__(self, nodes, edges, states):
Initializes a PolicyGraph.
nodes (list): A list of PGNodes
edges (dict): Mapping from node_id to a dictionary {observation -> node_id}
states (list): List of states, ordered as in .pomdp file
self.nodes = {n.node_id: n for n in nodes}
self.edges = edges
self.states = states
self._current_node = None
def construct(cls, alpha_path, pg_path, states, actions, observations):
See parse_pomdp_solve_output for detailed definitions of
alphas and pg.
alpha_path (str): Path to .alpha file
pg_path (str): Path to .pg file
states (list): List of states, ordered as in .pomdp file
actions (list): List of actions, ordered as in .pomdp file
observations (list): List of observations, ordered as in .pomdp file
# alphas (list): List of ( [V1, V2, ... VN], A ) tuples
# pg (dict): {node_id -> (A, edges)}
alphas, pg = parse_pomdp_solve_output(alpha_path, pg_path)
nodes = []
for node_id, (alpha_vector, action_number) in enumerate(alphas):
node = PGNode(node_id, alpha_vector, actions[action_number])
edges = {}
for node_id in pg:
assert 0 <= node_id < len(nodes), "Invalid node id in policy graph"
action_number, o_links = pg[node_id]
assert (
actions[action_number] == nodes[node_id].action
), "Inconsistent action mapping"
edges[node_id] = {}
for o_index, next_node_id in enumerate(o_links):
observation = observations[o_index]
edges[node_id][observation] = next_node_id
return PolicyGraph(nodes, edges, states)
def plan(self, agent):
"""Returns an action that is mapped by the agent belief, under this policy"""
if self._current_node is None:
self._current_node = self._find_node(agent)
return self._current_node.action
def _find_node(self, agent):
"""Locate the node in the policy graph corresponding to the agent's current
belief state."""
b = [agent.belief[s] for s in self.states]
nid = max(self.nodes, key=lambda nid: np.dot(b, self.nodes[nid].alpha_vector))
return self.nodes[nid]
def update(self, agent, action, observation):
Updates the planner based on real action and observation.
Basically sets the current node pointer based on the incoming
if self._current_node is None:
# Find out the node number using agent current belief
self._current_node = self._find_node(agent)
# Transition the current node following the graph
self._current_node = self.nodes[