Source code for problems.multi_object_search.domain.action

Defines the Action for the 2D Multi-Object Search domain;

Action space:

    Motion :math:`\cup` Look :math:`\cup` Find

* Motion Actions scheme 1: South, East, West, North.
* Motion Actions scheme 2: Left 45deg, Right 45deg, Forward
* Look: Interprets sensor input as observation
* Find: Marks objects observed in the last Look action as
  (differs from original paper; reduces action space)

It is possible to force "Look" after every N/S/E/W action;
then the Look action could be dropped. This is optional behavior.

import pomdp_py
import math

###### Actions ######
[docs] class Action(pomdp_py.Action): """Mos action; Simple named action.""" def __init__(self, name): = name def __hash__(self): return hash( def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Action): return == elif type(other) == str: return == other def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return "Action(%s)" %
MOTION_SCHEME = "xy" # can be either xy or vw STEP_SIZE = 1
[docs] class MotionAction(Action): # scheme 1 (vx,vy,th) SCHEME_XYTH = "xyth" EAST = (STEP_SIZE, 0, 0) # x is horizontal; x+ is right. y is vertical; y+ is down. WEST = (-STEP_SIZE, 0, math.pi) NORTH = (0, -STEP_SIZE, 3 * math.pi / 2) SOUTH = (0, STEP_SIZE, math.pi / 2) # scheme 2 (vt, vw) translational, rotational velocities. SCHEME_VW = "vw" FORWARD = (STEP_SIZE, 0) BACKWARD = (-STEP_SIZE, 0) LEFT = (0, -math.pi / 4) # left 45 deg RIGHT = (0, math.pi / 4) # right 45 deg # scheme 3 (vx,vy) SCHEME_XY = "xy" EAST2D = (STEP_SIZE, 0) # x is horizontal; x+ is right. y is vertical; y+ is down. WEST2D = (-STEP_SIZE, 0) NORTH2D = (0, -STEP_SIZE) SOUTH2D = (0, STEP_SIZE) SCHEMES = {"xyth", "xy", "vw"} def __init__(self, motion, scheme=MOTION_SCHEME, distance_cost=1, motion_name=None): """ motion (tuple): a tuple of floats that describes the motion; scheme (str): description of the motion scheme; Either "xy" or "vw" """ if scheme not in MotionAction.SCHEMES: raise ValueError("Invalid motion scheme %s" % scheme) if scheme == MotionAction.SCHEME_XYTH: if motion not in { MotionAction.EAST, MotionAction.WEST, MotionAction.NORTH, MotionAction.SOUTH, }: raise ValueError("Invalid move motion %s" % str(motion)) elif scheme == MotionAction.SCHEME_VW: if motion not in { MotionAction.FORWARD, MotionAction.BACKWARD, MotionAction.LEFT, MotionAction.RIGHT, }: raise ValueError("Invalid move motion %s" % str(motion)) elif scheme == MotionAction.SCHEME_XY: if motion not in { MotionAction.EAST2D, MotionAction.WEST2D, MotionAction.NORTH2D, MotionAction.SOUTH2D, }: raise ValueError("Invalid move motion %s" % str(motion)) self.motion = motion self.scheme = scheme self.distance_cost = distance_cost if motion_name is None: motion_name = str(motion) super().__init__("move-%s-%s" % (scheme, motion_name))
# Define some constant actions MoveEast = MotionAction( MotionAction.EAST, scheme=MotionAction.SCHEME_XYTH, motion_name="East" ) MoveWest = MotionAction( MotionAction.WEST, scheme=MotionAction.SCHEME_XYTH, motion_name="West" ) MoveNorth = MotionAction( MotionAction.NORTH, scheme=MotionAction.SCHEME_XYTH, motion_name="North" ) MoveSouth = MotionAction( MotionAction.SOUTH, scheme=MotionAction.SCHEME_XYTH, motion_name="South" ) MoveForward = MotionAction( MotionAction.FORWARD, scheme=MotionAction.SCHEME_VW, motion_name="Forward" ) MoveBackward = MotionAction( MotionAction.BACKWARD, scheme=MotionAction.SCHEME_VW, motion_name="Backward" ) MoveLeft = MotionAction( MotionAction.LEFT, scheme=MotionAction.SCHEME_VW, motion_name="TurnLeft" ) MoveRight = MotionAction( MotionAction.RIGHT, scheme=MotionAction.SCHEME_VW, motion_name="TurnRight" ) MoveEast2D = MotionAction( MotionAction.EAST2D, scheme=MotionAction.SCHEME_XY, motion_name="East2D" ) MoveWest2D = MotionAction( MotionAction.WEST2D, scheme=MotionAction.SCHEME_XY, motion_name="West2D" ) MoveNorth2D = MotionAction( MotionAction.NORTH2D, scheme=MotionAction.SCHEME_XY, motion_name="North2D" ) MoveSouth2D = MotionAction( MotionAction.SOUTH2D, scheme=MotionAction.SCHEME_XY, motion_name="South2D" )
[docs] class LookAction(Action): # For simplicity, this LookAction is not parameterized by direction def __init__(self): super().__init__("look")
[docs] class FindAction(Action): def __init__(self): super().__init__("find")
Look = LookAction() Find = FindAction() if MOTION_SCHEME == "xy": ALL_MOTION_ACTIONS = [MoveEast, MoveWest, MoveNorth, MoveSouth] elif MOTION_SCHEME == "vw": ALL_MOTION_ACTIONS = [MoveForward, MoveBackward, MoveLeft, MoveRight] else: raise ValueError("motion scheme '%s' is invalid" % MOTION_SCHEME)