Source code for problems.multi_object_search.domain.state
"""Defines the State for the 2D Multi-Object Search domain;
Origin: Multi-Object Search using Object-Oriented POMDPs (ICRA 2019)
(extensions: action space changes, different sensor model, gridworld instead of
topological graph)
Description: Multi-Object Search in a 2D grid world.
State space:
:math:`S_1 \\times S_2 \\times ... S_n \\times S_r`
where :math:`S_i (1\leq i\leq n)` is the object state, with attribute
"pose" :math:`(x,y)` and Sr is the state of the robot, with attribute
"pose" :math:`(x,y)` and "objects_found" (set).
import pomdp_py
import math
###### States ######
class ObjectState(pomdp_py.ObjectState):
def __init__(self, objid, objclass, pose):
if objclass != "obstacle" and objclass != "target":
raise ValueError(
"Only allow object class to beeither 'target' or 'obstacle'.Got %s"
% objclass
super().__init__(objclass, {"pose": pose, "id": objid})
def __str__(self):
return "ObjectState(%s,%s)" % (str(self.objclass), str(self.pose))
def pose(self):
return self.attributes["pose"]
def objid(self):
return self.attributes["id"]
class RobotState(pomdp_py.ObjectState):
def __init__(self, robot_id, pose, objects_found, camera_direction):
"""Note: camera_direction is None unless the robot is looking at a direction,
in which case camera_direction is the string e.g. look+x, or 'look'"""
"id": robot_id,
"pose": pose, # x,y,th
"objects_found": objects_found,
"camera_direction": camera_direction,
def __str__(self):
return "RobotState(%s,%s|%s)" % (
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def pose(self):
return self.attributes["pose"]
def robot_pose(self):
return self.attributes["pose"]
def objects_found(self):
return self.attributes["objects_found"]
class MosOOState(pomdp_py.OOState):
def __init__(self, object_states):
def object_pose(self, objid):
return self.object_states[objid]["pose"]
def pose(self, objid):
return self.object_pose(objid)
def object_poses(self):
return {
objid: self.object_states[objid]["pose"] for objid in self.object_states
def __str__(self):
return "MosOOState%s" % (str(self.object_states))
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)