First we will use Ein to move the robot around and write simple programs. Before following these instructions, you should install Ein into a catkin workspace and verify that you can connect to your Baxter. Many common problems arise because of networking misconfigurations, where your $ROS_MASTER_URI, $ROS_HOSTNAME, and/or $ROS_IP are set incorrectly; verify that rostopic echo works correctly before proceeding. You should also make sure Baxter is turned on and enabled. (rosrun baxter_tools -e).

Start the screen session using the commands given in Install. Choose an arm (left or right) to use. Type `8 to tell screen to go to the left arm’s main Ein window, or `0 to go to the right arm. The screen should be primed with a build and run command; when it starts, a number of windows should open. Go to the main window and verify you can see the wrist view. The robot’s status will appear in text. The frame rate for Ein varies betweeun 10Hz and 25Hz on our machines; if it is much slower than 10Hz, Ein will be hard to use. Consider obtaining a faster computer.

If at any time you need to quit, you can type ` :quit` in the screen session.

Ein Main Window

Verify you can see the wrist view image in the main window, and that it is updating as the arm moves. The middle pane (Object Map View) shows a map of the robot’s IK workspace for the arm in crane pose at a particular height. Attainable poses are marked in green and yellow; unattainable poses are marked in red. The robot’s body and end effector position are marked with circles and a line indicating orientation.


Next, go back to the screen session and change to the Ein console window by typing `1 for the right arm or `2 for the left arm. You should see a view like this:

Ein Console Screenshot

The console is the main way to interact with Ein and control the robot. Type commands at the prompt. You can view the robot’s status in the upper left window. The middle two windows show the stack (but don’t worry about that now; for more information see the Back page). The right window shows Ein’s console output as you run commands. Make sure that the console window you are using matches the arm (left or right) as described above.

First, go home. The home position is set toward the side of the robot near the center of its IK workspace in the crane position.


After running this command, the arm should move to the crane position off to one side, as shown in the following picture.

Robot in Home Position

Try the following commands for moving to other canonical positions. (Be careful that the robot’s workspace is clear.)


Move back to home position: goHome.

You can also incrementally move the arm in the global x, y, and z frames. For example, try:


Similarly, yUp, yDown moves in the Y frame, and zUp and zDown move the arm vertically.

By default, the robot is keyed to move in 1 cm increments. You can change the increment size to 5 cm by issuing:

0.05 setGridSize

To specify robot commands, Ein uses a postfix FORTH-like language called Back. In the previous example, the argument 0.05 comes before the function (called “word” following FORTH conventions), named setGridSize.

The grid size is specified in meters. To go back to 1 cm, call

0.01 setGridSize

Next try running openGripper and closeGripper. You should now be able to teleoperate the arm to pick up an object that is axis-aligned with the gripper.

Exercise: Teleoperate some picks.

Teleoperate the robot to pick up a few objects. Try doing this first by watching the arm. Then try putting your back to the robot and use only information from the wrist camera image.

Exercise: Teleoperate some non-axis aligned picks.

You may have noticed in the previous exercise, if the object was not aligned with the grippers, it was not possible to pick it. To rotate the gripper, use oZUp and oZDown (with related words for the other axes), which rotates the gripper in the corresponding frame. The default amount of rotation is quite small, so you will need to issue many oZUp’s to achieve appreciable rotation. To simplify this process, we created a word that duplicates words on the stack. You can run: ( oZUp ) 10 replicateWord to run oZUp 10 times (or whatever compound word is in parentheses.) Note that tokenization is based on white space so you need a space before and after every parentheses.

Fun Words

Ein contains words to control all parts of the robot. Some fun ones to try are torsoFanOn, torsoFanOff, and torsoFanAuto (the default). You can also try lightsOn and lightsOff, happyFace, sadFace, and neutralFace.

Exercise: Pulse the torso fan.

Write a program to pulse the torso fan several times. You will need to wait in between each word by running 1 waitForSeconds.

Answer (select to see):

( torsoFanOn 1 waitForSeconds torsoFanOff 1 waitForSeconds ) 10 replicateWord


By default words run as quickly as possible, without waiting for actions to complete. There are a variety of words that wait until certain conditions are met. Most useful is waitUntilAtCurrentPosition.

Exercise: Wiggle the arm.

Writing a program to move the arm back and forth a few times in a row using waitUntilAtCurrentPosition and replicateWord.

Answer (select to see):

( xUp xUp waitUntilAtCurrentPosition xDown xDown waitUntilAtCurrentPosition ) 10 replicateWord

Program Execution

The Ein view contains a call stack and a data stack. More information about this is available on the language page. Words are popped off the call stack and executed one at a time. When Ein encounters an error, it pauses stack execution and prints an error message to the console in red. It does not clear the call stack or data stack to allow the programmer

It is important to be aware of the error handling as you write your own programs.

Exercise: Make some errors.

Try creating errors. For example, enter a word that is not defined, such as asdf. Try using arithmetic words such as + without the correct number of arguments on the stack. Observe the error messages that are printed out on the console.

Exercise: Clear stacks.

If a program is running and you want to halt it, you can can run clearStacks to halt it. Try running one of your previous programs to move the robot, and then run clear stacks to halt it.

Exercise: Write a buggy program.

Write a program with some good words (e.g., xUp) and also some nonexisting words. Make sure the error is in the middle of the program. For example, xUp xUp asdf xUp xUp. Observe the error message, and also note the words remaining on the call stack. You can run clearStacks to clear the stacks, or press enter to continue where it left off.