We will set up infinite scan so the robot automatically learns about objects. This process is a giant for loop over objects; in the inner loop you can do whatever experiments you like.

There are three poses defined in scan.back designated with functionality for the scan:


Move the arm to these locations by issuing, for instance:

playWorkspace moveEeToPoseWord

You can change the values of these variables in the file, save, and reload with

"scan" import

Check the inputPile and playWorkspace and make sure there is about 20cm by 20cm of free real estate. The output pile doesn’t really need space as long as objects deposited there can clear the other workspaces.

Once everything is clear, issue


This word invokes scan patterns which cover the default workspaces slightly better than a square scan. If you change the workspaces you might need to change the scan patterns.

Check the background maps by calling


and checking the Background View window after each command.

Find three objects that fit in the 4cm gripper and contrast with the background. Place them in the inputPile workspace and issue


The arm should scan the play workspace to make a new map, scan the input workspace to find an object, move the object to the the play workspace, play with it, move it to the output pile, and begin again by scanning the play workspace.