"""The Environment"""
import pomdp_py
import copy
from pomdp_py.problems.multi_object_search.models.transition_model import *
from pomdp_py.problems.multi_object_search.models.reward_model import *
from pomdp_py.problems.multi_object_search.models.components.sensor import *
from pomdp_py.problems.multi_object_search.domain.state import *
class MosEnvironment(pomdp_py.Environment):
def __init__(self, dim, init_state, sensors, obstacles=set({})):
sensors (dict): Map from robot_id to sensor (Sensor);
Sensors equipped on robots; Used to determine
which objects should be marked as found.
obstacles (set): set of object ids that are obstacles;
The set difference of all object ids then
yields the target object ids."""
self.width, self.length = dim
self.sensors = sensors
self.obstacles = obstacles
transition_model = MosTransitionModel(
dim, sensors, set(init_state.object_states.keys())
# Target objects, a set of ids, are not robot nor obstacles
self.target_objects = {
for objid in set(init_state.object_states.keys()) - self.obstacles
if not isinstance(init_state.object_states[objid], RobotState)
reward_model = GoalRewardModel(self.target_objects)
super().__init__(init_state, transition_model, reward_model)
def robot_ids(self):
return set(self.sensors.keys())
def state_transition(self, action, execute=True, robot_id=None):
"""state_transition(self, action, execute=True, **kwargs)
Overriding parent class function.
Simulates a state transition given `action`. If `execute` is set to True,
then the resulting state will be the new current state of the environment.
action (Action): action that triggers the state transition
execute (bool): If True, the resulting state of the transition will
become the current state.
float or tuple: reward as a result of `action` and state
transition, if `execute` is True (next_state, reward) if `execute`
is False.
assert (
robot_id is not None
), "state transition should happen for a specific robot"
next_state = copy.deepcopy(self.state)
next_state.object_states[robot_id] = self.transition_model[robot_id].sample(
self.state, action
reward = self.reward_model.sample(
self.state, action, next_state, robot_id=robot_id
if execute:
return reward
return next_state, reward
#### Interpret string as an initial world state ####
def interpret(worldstr):
Interprets a problem instance description in `worldstr`
and returns the corresponding MosEnvironment.
For example: This string
.. code-block:: text
r: laser fov=90 min_range=1 max_range=10
describes a 3 by 5 world where x indicates obsticles and T indicates
the "target object". T could be replaced by any upper-case letter A-Z
which will serve as the object's id. Lower-case letters a-z (except for x)
serve as id for robot(s).
After the world, the :code:`***` signals description of the sensor for each robot.
For example "r laser 90 1 10" means that robot `r` will have a Laser2Dsensor
with fov 90, min_range 1.0, and max_range of 10.0.
worldstr (str): a string that describes the initial state of the world.
MosEnvironment: the corresponding environment for the world description.
worldlines = []
sensorlines = []
mode = "world"
for line in worldstr.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if len(line) > 0:
if line == "***":
mode = "sensor"
if mode == "world":
if mode == "sensor":
lines = [line for line in worldlines if len(line) > 0]
w, l = len(worldlines[0]), len(worldlines)
objects = {} # objid -> object_state(pose)
obstacles = set({}) # objid
robots = {} # robot_id -> robot_state(pose)
sensors = {} # robot_id -> Sensor
# Parse world
for y, line in enumerate(worldlines):
if len(line) != w:
raise ValueError(
"World size inconsistent.Expected width: %d; Actual Width: %d"
% (w, len(line))
for x, c in enumerate(line):
if c == "x":
# obstacle
objid = 1000 + len(obstacles) # obstacle id
objects[objid] = ObjectState(objid, "obstacle", (x, y))
elif c.isupper():
# target object
objid = len(objects)
objects[objid] = ObjectState(objid, "target", (x, y))
elif c.islower():
# robot
robot_id = interpret_robot_id(c)
robots[robot_id] = RobotState(robot_id, (x, y, 0), (), None)
assert c == ".", "Unrecognized character %s in worldstr" % c
if len(robots) == 0:
raise ValueError("No initial robot pose!")
if len(objects) == 0:
raise ValueError("No object!")
# Parse sensors
for line in sensorlines:
if "," in line:
raise ValueError(
"Wrong Fromat. SHould not have ','. Separate tokens with space."
robot_name = line.split(":")[0].strip()
robot_id = interpret_robot_id(robot_name)
assert robot_id in robots, "Sensor specified for unknown robot %s" % (
sensor_setting = line.split(":")[1].strip()
sensor_type = sensor_setting.split(" ")[0].strip()
sensor_params = {}
for token in sensor_setting.split(" ")[1:]:
param_name = token.split("=")[0].strip()
param_value = eval(token.split("=")[1].strip())
sensor_params[param_name] = param_value
if sensor_type == "laser":
sensor = Laser2DSensor(robot_id, **sensor_params)
elif sensor_type == "proximity":
sensor = ProximitySensor(robot_id, **sensor_params)
raise ValueError("Unknown sensor type %s" % sensor_type)
sensors[robot_id] = sensor
return (w, l), robots, objects, obstacles, sensors
def interpret_robot_id(robot_name):
return -ord(robot_name)
#### Utility functions for building the worldstr ####
def equip_sensors(worldmap, sensors):
worldmap (str): a string that describes the initial state of the world.
sensors (dict) a map from robot character representation (e.g. 'r') to a
string that describes its sensor (e.g. 'laser fov=90 min_range=1 max_range=5
str: A string that can be used as input to the `interpret` function
worldmap += "\n***\n"
for robot_char in sensors:
worldmap += "%s: %s\n" % (robot_char, sensors[robot_char])
return worldmap
def make_laser_sensor(fov, dist_range, angle_increment, occlusion):
Returns string representation of the laser scanner configuration.
For example: "laser fov=90 min_range=1 max_range=10"
fov (int or float): angle between the start and end beams of one scan (degree).
dist_range (tuple): (min_range, max_range)
angle_increment (int or float): angular distance between measurements (rad).
occlusion (bool): True if consider occlusion
str: String representation of the laser scanner configuration.
fovstr = "fov=%s" % str(fov)
rangestr = "min_range=%s max_range=%s" % (str(dist_range[0]), str(dist_range[1]))
angicstr = "angle_increment=%s" % (str(angle_increment))
occstr = "occlusion_enabled=%s" % str(occlusion)
return "laser %s %s %s %s" % (fovstr, rangestr, angicstr, occstr)
def make_proximity_sensor(radius, occlusion):
Returns string representation of the proximity sensor configuration.
For example: "proximity radius=5 occlusion_enabled=False"
radius (int or float)
occlusion (bool): True if consider occlusion
str: String representation of the proximity sensor configuration.
radiustr = "radius=%s" % str(radius)
occstr = "occlusion_enabled=%s" % str(occlusion)
return "proximity %s %s" % (radiustr, occstr)