# Visualization of a MOS instance using pygame
# Note to run this file, you need to run the following
# in the parent directory of multi_object_search:
# python -m multi_object_search.env.visual
import pygame
import cv2
import math
import numpy as np
import random
import pomdp_py.utils as util
from pomdp_py.problems.multi_object_search.env.env import *
from pomdp_py.problems.multi_object_search.domain.observation import *
from pomdp_py.problems.multi_object_search.domain.action import *
from pomdp_py.problems.multi_object_search.domain.state import *
from pomdp_py.problems.multi_object_search.example_worlds import *
# Deterministic way to get object color
def object_color(objid, count):
color = [107, 107, 107]
if count % 3 == 0:
color[0] += 100 + (3 * (objid * 5 % 11))
color[0] = max(12, min(222, color[0]))
elif count % 3 == 1:
color[1] += 100 + (3 * (objid * 5 % 11))
color[1] = max(12, min(222, color[1]))
color[2] += 100 + (3 * (objid * 5 % 11))
color[2] = max(12, min(222, color[2]))
return tuple(color)
#### Visualization through pygame ####
class MosViz:
def __init__(self, env, res=30, fps=30, controllable=False):
self._env = env
self._res = res
self._img = self._make_gridworld_image(res)
self._last_observation = {} # map from robot id to MosOOObservation
self._last_viz_observation = {} # map from robot id to MosOOObservation
self._last_action = {} # map from robot id to Action
self._last_belief = {} # map from robot id to OOBelief
self._controllable = controllable
self._running = False
self._fps = fps
self._playtime = 0.0
# Generate some colors, one per target object
colors = {}
for i, objid in enumerate(env.target_objects):
colors[objid] = object_color(objid, i)
self._target_colors = colors
def _make_gridworld_image(self, r):
# Preparing 2d array
w, l = self._env.width, self._env.length
arr2d = np.full((self._env.width, self._env.length), 0) # free grids
state = self._env.state
for objid in state.object_states:
pose = state.object_states[objid]["pose"]
if state.object_states[objid].objclass == "robot":
arr2d[pose[0], pose[1]] = 0 # free grid
elif state.object_states[objid].objclass == "obstacle":
arr2d[pose[0], pose[1]] = 1 # obstacle
elif state.object_states[objid].objclass == "target":
arr2d[pose[0], pose[1]] = 2 # target
# Creating image
img = np.full((w * r, l * r, 3), 255, dtype=np.int32)
for x in range(w):
for y in range(l):
if arr2d[x, y] == 0: # free
img, (y * r, x * r), (y * r + r, x * r + r), (255, 255, 255), -1
elif arr2d[x, y] == 1: # obstacle
img, (y * r, x * r), (y * r + r, x * r + r), (40, 31, 3), -1
elif arr2d[x, y] == 2: # target
img, (y * r, x * r), (y * r + r, x * r + r), (255, 165, 0), -1
img, (y * r, x * r), (y * r + r, x * r + r), (0, 0, 0), 1, 8
return img
def img_width(self):
return self._img.shape[0]
def img_height(self):
return self._img.shape[1]
def last_observation(self):
return self._last_observation
def update(self, robot_id, action, observation, viz_observation, belief):
Update the visualization after there is new real action and observation
and updated belief.
observation (MosOOObservation): Real observation
viz_observation (MosOOObservation): An observation used to visualize
the sensing region.
self._last_action[robot_id] = action
self._last_observation[robot_id] = observation
self._last_viz_observation[robot_id] = viz_observation
self._last_belief[robot_id] = belief
def draw_robot(img, x, y, th, size, color=(255, 12, 12)):
radius = int(round(size / 2))
cv2.circle(img, (y + radius, x + radius), radius, color, thickness=2)
endpoint = (
y + radius + int(round(radius * math.sin(th))),
x + radius + int(round(radius * math.cos(th))),
cv2.line(img, (y + radius, x + radius), endpoint, color, 2)
def draw_observation(img, z, rx, ry, rth, r, size, color=(12, 12, 255)):
assert type(z) == MosOOObservation, "%s != MosOOObservation" % (str(type(z)))
radius = int(round(r / 2))
for objid in z.objposes:
if z.for_obj(objid).pose != ObjectObservation.NULL:
lx, ly = z.for_obj(objid).pose
img, (ly * r + radius, lx * r + radius), size, color, thickness=-1
def draw_belief(img, belief, r, size, target_colors):
"""belief (OOBelief)"""
radius = int(round(r / 2))
circle_drawn = {} # map from pose to number of times drawn
for objid in belief.object_beliefs:
if isinstance(belief.object_belief(objid).random(), RobotState):
hist = belief.object_belief(objid).get_histogram()
color = target_colors[objid]
last_val = -1
count = 0
for state in reversed(sorted(hist, key=hist.get)):
if state.objclass == "target":
if last_val != -1:
color = util.lighter(color, 1 - hist[state] / last_val)
if np.mean(np.array(color) / np.array([255, 255, 255])) < 0.99:
tx, ty = state["pose"]
if (tx, ty) not in circle_drawn:
circle_drawn[(tx, ty)] = 0
circle_drawn[(tx, ty)] += 1
(ty * r + radius, tx * r + radius),
size // circle_drawn[(tx, ty)],
last_val = hist[state]
count += 1
if last_val <= 0:
# PyGame interface functions
def on_init(self):
"""pygame init"""
pygame.init() # calls pygame.font.init()
# init main screen and background
self._display_surf = pygame.display.set_mode(
(self.img_width, self.img_height), pygame.HWSURFACE
self._background = pygame.Surface(self._display_surf.get_size()).convert()
self._clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# Font
self._myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Comic Sans MS", 30)
self._running = True
def on_event(self, event):
# TODO: Keyboard control multiple robots
robot_id = list(self._env.robot_ids)[0] # Just pick the first one.
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
self._running = False
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
u = None # control signal according to motion model
action = None # control input by user
# odometry model
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
action = MoveLeft
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
action = MoveRight
elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
action = MoveForward
elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
action = MoveBackward
# euclidean axis model
elif event.key == pygame.K_a:
action = MoveWest
elif event.key == pygame.K_d:
action = MoveEast
elif event.key == pygame.K_s:
action = MoveSouth
elif event.key == pygame.K_w:
action = MoveNorth
elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
action = Look
elif event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
action = Find
if action is None:
if self._controllable:
if isinstance(action, MotionAction):
reward = self._env.state_transition(
action, execute=True, robot_id=robot_id
z = None
elif isinstance(action, LookAction) or isinstance(action, FindAction):
robot_pose = self._env.state.pose(robot_id)
z = self._env.sensors[robot_id].observe(robot_pose, self._env.state)
self._last_observation[robot_id] = z
self._last_viz_observation[robot_id] = z
reward = self._env.state_transition(
action, execute=True, robot_id=robot_id
print("robot state: %s" % str(self._env.state.object_states[robot_id]))
print(" action: %s" % str(action.name))
print(" observation: %s" % str(z))
print(" reward: %s" % str(reward))
return action
def on_loop(self):
self._playtime += self._clock.tick(self._fps) / 1000.0
def on_render(self):
# self._display_surf.blit(self._background, (0, 0))
robot_id = list(self._env.robot_ids)[0] # Just pick the first one.
rx, ry, rth = self._env.state.pose(robot_id)
fps_text = "FPS: {0:.2f}".format(self._clock.get_fps())
last_action = self._last_action.get(robot_id, None)
last_action_str = "no_action" if last_action is None else str(last_action)
"%s | Robot%d(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) | %s | %s"
% (
rth * 180 / math.pi,
def on_cleanup(self):
def on_execute(self):
if self.on_init() == False:
self._running = False
while self._running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
def render_env(self, display_surf):
# draw robot, a circle and a vector
img = np.copy(self._img)
for i, robot_id in enumerate(self._env.robot_ids):
rx, ry, rth = self._env.state.pose(robot_id)
r = self._res # Not radius!
last_observation = self._last_observation.get(robot_id, None)
last_viz_observation = self._last_viz_observation.get(robot_id, None)
last_belief = self._last_belief.get(robot_id, None)
if last_belief is not None:
MosViz.draw_belief(img, last_belief, r, r // 3, self._target_colors)
if last_viz_observation is not None:
r // 4,
color=(200, 200, 12),
if last_observation is not None:
img, last_observation, rx, ry, rth, r, r // 8, color=(20, 20, 180)
img, rx * r, ry * r, rth, r, color=(12, 255 * (0.8 * (i + 1)), 12)
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(display_surf, img)
def unittest():
# If you don't want occlusion, use this:
laserstr = make_laser_sensor(90, (1, 8), 0.5, False)
# If you want occlusion, use this
# (the difference is mainly in angle_increment; this
# is due to the discretization - discretization may
# cause "strange" behavior when checking occlusion
# but the model is actually doing the right thing.)
laserstr_occ = make_laser_sensor(360, (1, 8), 0.5, True)
# Proximity sensor
proxstr = make_proximity_sensor(1.5, False)
proxstr_occ = make_proximity_sensor(1.5, True)
worldmap, robot = world1
worldstr = equip_sensors(worldmap, {robot: laserstr})
dim, robots, objects, obstacles, sensors = interpret(worldstr)
init_state = MosOOState({**objects, **robots})
env = MosEnvironment(dim, init_state, sensors, obstacles=obstacles)
viz = MosViz(env, controllable=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":