pomdp_py.problems.light_dark.env package¶
pomdp_py.problems.light_dark.env.env module¶
Defines the Environment for the light dark domain.
Origin: Belief space planning assuming maximum likelihood observations
- class pomdp_py.problems.light_dark.env.env.LightDarkEnvironment(init_state, light, const, reward_model=None)[source]¶
- property light¶
- property const¶
pomdp_py.problems.light_dark.env.plotting module¶
Plotting utilties
- pomdp_py.problems.light_dark.env.plotting.plot_points(xvals, yvals, color=None, size=1.5, label=None, connected=True, style='--', linewidth=1.5, xlabel='x', ylabel='f(x)', loc='lower right')[source]¶
- pomdp_py.problems.light_dark.env.plotting.plot_polygons(verts, colors, ax=None, edgecolor=None)[source]¶
verts is a sequence of ( verts0, verts1, …) where verts_i is a sequence of xy tuples of vertices, or an equivalent numpy array of shape (nv, 2).
c is a sequence of (color0, color1, …) where color_i is a color, represented by a hex string (7 characters #xxxxxx).
Creates a PolygonCollection object in the axis ax.