problems.rocksample.cythonize package¶
problems.rocksample.cythonize.rocksample_problem module¶
RockSample(n,k) problem
Origin: Heuristic Search Value Iteration for POMDPs (UAI 2004)
State space:
Position {(1,1),(1,2),…(n,n)} \(\times\) RockType_1 \(\times\) RockType_2, …, \(\times\) RockType_k where RockType_i = {Good, Bad} \(\times\) TerminalState
- (basically, the positions of rocks are known to the robot,
but not represented explicitly in the state space. Check_i will smartly check the rock i at its location.)
Action space:
North, South, East, West, Sample, Check_1, …, Check_k The first four moves the agent deterministically Sample: samples the rock at agent’s current location Check_i: receives a noisy observation about RockType_i (noise determined by eta (\(\eta\)). eta=1 -> perfect sensor; eta=0 -> uniform)
Observation: observes the property of rock i when taking Check_i.
- Reward: +10 for Sample a good rock. -10 for Sampling a bad rock.
Move to exit area +10. Other actions have no cost or reward.
Initial belief: every rock has equal probability of being Good or Bad.
problems.rocksample.cythonize.rocksample_problem module¶
RockSample(n,k) problem
Origin: Heuristic Search Value Iteration for POMDPs (UAI 2004)
State space:
Position {(1,1),(1,2),…(n,n)} \(\times\) RockType_1 \(\times\) RockType_2, …, \(\times\) RockType_k where RockType_i = {Good, Bad} \(\times\) TerminalState
- (basically, the positions of rocks are known to the robot,
but not represented explicitly in the state space. Check_i will smartly check the rock i at its location.)
Action space:
North, South, East, West, Sample, Check_1, …, Check_k The first four moves the agent deterministically Sample: samples the rock at agent’s current location Check_i: receives a noisy observation about RockType_i (noise determined by eta (\(\eta\)). eta=1 -> perfect sensor; eta=0 -> uniform)
Observation: observes the property of rock i when taking Check_i.
- Reward: +10 for Sample a good rock. -10 for Sampling a bad rock.
Move to exit area +10. Other actions have no cost or reward.
Initial belief: every rock has equal probability of being Good or Bad.